/  advice   /  Advertising Frontiers and Marketing Principles

The last ten years has heralded a massive change in how marketers and advertisers reach their customers, collect data, make their products known, and create experiences that enhance brands and sell to the public.

Smaller companies now have more options available to them online than ever before to reach, understand, and curtail their businesses and services to customers in need.

This includes the rise of the use of cellphones, an explosion in app development, responsive and easy to build websites and interactive website ads, and now VR and AR (Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality).

These products add to the branding and marketing packages for companies large and small and enable more engagement, and help people understand your products and what you do.

This freeing up of media exchange on the internet means lower cost and more exposure for more companies beyond their previous sphere of influence.

However despite all these media advancements, the older rules of effective marketing still apply if you’re looking to convince people to buy from you and not the other guy.

Whenever our studio handles a project, we do so on the following principles to keep advertising honest, more informative and more aligned with a companies message.

  • Honesty about what a product does and does not do when presenting it.
  • Branding and design that understands and translates a companies message and philosophy
  • Approaching marketing as a teaching and information tool for customers, and enhancing learning about a product or service

These principles in advertising are not only effective in bringing in more customers, they come from a place all of us as people value; honest and voluntary relationships.

In the end relationships are all that business is; a bunch of people voluntarily deciding to align and exchange goods and services with each other.

Therefore enhancing relationships in the best way possible is not only a good idea, it logically makes the most sense when you break down business to its core.

Who really wants their customers to distrust them?

No one really, and those who approach advertising and business in a way that hurts their relationships, whether with workers or customers tend to have a harder time growing and maintaining their companies than those who do not approach business this way.

So despite all the frontiers in advertising tech, all of which are so fascinating and are providing some really great platforms for new media, keep in mind that basic principles in advertising are still important.

Acting on principles to protect relationships, and provide good service, and save money on sales is not only a good idea, it’s just good business.