Understanding and Creating Effective Explainer Videos
Understanding and Creating Effective Explainer Videos In today’s fast-paced digital world, capturing your audience's attention has never been more challenging.This is where explainer videos come into play—a powerful tool designed to simplify complex ideas and engage viewers concisely, with visually appealing content. Whether you're a startup trying to pitch a novel product, a seasoned business looking to enhance your brand messaging, or an educator aiming to explain intricate concepts, explainer videos are an effective solution. In this blog post, we will delve into the art and science behind creating compelling explainer videos. We’ll explore the different types of explainer videos, including: live-action, animated, whiteboard, and even Kickstarter videos, each serving unique purposes and audiences. Furthermore, we’ll guide you through the entire creation process—from
Anyone can agree that a well-honed education is vital to the prosperity of a child's future, and so delivering effective, quality educational content that kids can enjoy and understand is important. It's also well understood that educating can be expensive.Animation and interactive content can do the job of educating well. It's obvious to anyone that kids find cartoons fun and entertaining. Any parent can tell you stories of sitting a child in front of the TV and coming back to hear they learned something new. Even if that something new wasn't what a parent intended, it happens.There is even something called "The Sesame Street Effect". A well-documented study showed the impact of Sesame Street on early education for kids.It was
Storytelling is something people everywhere appreciate and love. It's a form of entertainment, as well as a medium to teach life lessons to everyone. It imparts cultural ideas and expectations, and spurs progressive action and critique of culture. Stories are things humans have made up and passed down over millennia to each other. Whether through oral tradition or written down, stories captivate and excite us, they charge the imagination and move us deeply if done well.Is it no small wonder that the Epic of Gilgamesh is still a story we talk about today, one that existed an estimated 3000 years ago. There are countless other cuneiform tablets recovered from the ruins of Sumer and Ur, but the story of Gilgamesh has
eLearning Visual Essentials
Let’s talk eLearning. It’s a growing industry with a number of different approaches to Learning Management System (LMS) development and media design. I’ve been working in the industry consistently for two years now, and I’ve noticed some rules and guidelines that make content better, and more affective to a learner. Here are some of the rules I’ve noticed that seem to consistently work to keep a learner’s attention, and make your courses look great at the same time. Visual Essential 1 – Create a Clean, Clear Visual Style Having a crisp, clear, inviting look to your courses, whether they involve film, animation, interactive, or something of a combination is the number one rule. People feel like they trust your brand when it
I've been someone who's always been fascinated with video games. I first started playing them when I was in daycare as a small kid. My first games were the original Super Mario Brothers and Duck Hunt, of which I used the light gun at that time to shoot said ducks.I've also been something who has been fascinated by and interested in good storytelling. Stories are what human beings use to entertain, impart life lessons, and teach others about the world around them. I wrote a lot of stories when I was a kid, and always enjoyed the process.I feel like the video game industry is finally waking up to the power of good, affective storytelling in games. The problem is