Why Graphic Design Matters for Small Business
Why Graphic Design Matters for Small Business It may seem strange, but graphic design plays a pivotal role in shaping your brand identity, communicating your message, and attracting your ideal customers. In this blog post, we’ll explore essential tips and strategies
The Animated Video Process From A to Z
The Animated Video Process From A to ZIntroduction to Animated Video: The animated video process is complicated and the steps from start to finish are numerous. However, don't be intimidated! Animated video production is a wonderful marketing tool that easily engages
Project Updates for 2018
Greetings! It's been quiet on the blog this year. But it's because we've been busy working on a bunch of projects. Last year we had the opportunity to work on two television shows for Explosm entertainment. One was a show
Help, my Video Marketing Strategy isn’t working!
You're in the middle of a video marketing campaign launch and your conversions aren't meeting their targets. Adjustments and optimizations aren't helping. What could be the problem? Let's go through a few tips to get your strategy back on track:1) One
Advertising Frontiers and Marketing Principles
The last ten years has heralded a massive change in how marketers and advertisers reach their customers, collect data, make their products known, and create experiences that enhance brands and sell to the public.Smaller companies now have more options available
Animated Training Videos Save You Money and Time
Training can be hard and expensive for a company to implement, and the consequences of having an untrained or under-trained workforce can be catastrophic to your bottom line if profit margins are squeezed by market forces, and you have a
ROI for Explainer Videos… Explained!
The use of streaming video online has steadily been rising for years. The use of Netflix instead of cable, Youtube's growth and popularity for the last decade plus, and other services for video have continued to become more significant and
Why Explainer Videos Increase Conversion Rates, But Only if Done Right!
There are four different types of learning styles that reflect a combination of learning types in people. Those types are:visual auditory tactile reading and writingPeople gravitate towards a set combination of these types together, the four types are:The
Freelancing – What to Do When Times Get Hard
Living a freelance lifestyle is no cake walk. Anyone who tells you otherwise isn't being honest. There are plenty of perks to wanting to go rogue and be your own boss. But there are plenty of pitfalls and uncertainties along
eLearning Course Authoring – Dos and Don’ts
As a media designer and animator. I often run into the issue of courses being written in ways that make it hard to understand visually what an author is implying. Sometimes with very technical subjects, like engineering and computer networking,